A presentation by the Solomon Islands Red Cross (SIRC) representative, Niniu Oligao (the SI Red Cross Dissemination officer and a youth himself) said time is ripe for the youths to act in combating the behavior which contributes to the emission of green house gases.
"This generation we are experiencing the consequence of the behavior of the past generations whom for years did alot of destructive activities which contributed to the speeding up of the Climatic Change process.
"Our presence here today reflects our commitment as youths who stand strong and act for the betterment of our children's future", he said.
In his talk Niniu informed the public that SI Red Cross has taken on board the "Triple A Strategy" in its Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reductions activities. The local Red Cross has done awareness to schools and youth groups from 2006 to the end of 2007 with a back-up document contains local case studies on the impacts of Climate Change on our vulnerable communities. Now SIRC Climate Change office is acting on the adaptation and mitigation programs. Last month SIRC Climate Change officer and a Red Cross team of volunteers did a Vulnerability Capacity Assessment in relation to Climate Change at Niuleni (an artificial island of Lau Lagoon in North Malaita). Interesting findings were gathered from the settlers of Niuleni especially the problems they faced with access to clean water and high sea level experienced in the recent times. With regard to advocacy the Red Cross Climate office works together with organizations and governmental institutions to inform the communities of copying with the adverse impacts of Climate Change.
The Solomon Islands Red Cross as one of the organizers expressed its gratitude to the many youth groups, organizations and parents who turned up for the celebration yesterday.
And he finally thanked the sponsors and organizers of the International Youth Day 2008 for the successful event. The sponsors of the International Youth Day 2008 are Solomon Islands Ministry of Children, youth and Women Affair, Honiara City Council, Save the Children, Oxfam International, Commonwealth Youth Program Regional Office, Solomon Islands Youths for Change, and the Ministry of Environment and Conservation (Climate Change Division).