Towards the end of August 2009, the Solomon Islands Red Cross Dissemination officer held a workshop to the Maluu sub-branch volunteers.
About 21 volunteers participated in the workshop. Most of the participants came from the Maluu surrounding communities. And few lived in Maluu station.
Mr. Niniu Oligao, the facilitator of the workshop at Maluu said the aim of the workshop is to refresh the knowledge of the longtime volunteers and introducing the new volunteers to the Red Cross’ humanitarian beliefs and the policies to equip them as working tools.
“Volunteers form the foundation of the Red Cross. Thus, SI Red Cross is committed to strengthening the baseline of its volunteerism”, he added.
Topics covered during the workshop;
Background information about the SI Red Cross and its role as an auxiliary to the public authorities in humanitarian work
Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and the International Humanitarian Law (also known as the Law of war)
Proper uses and improper uses of the Red Cross symbol
Three components of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and their specific roles
Introduction of the SIRC Code of Conduct and SI Red Cross volunteer policies.
“To hold such workshop in Maluu is crucial to strengthen the volunteer baseline of the volunteers there who are involving in the ‘Tugeda fo Helti Komiuniti’-THK (a community health project) in the artificial island communities of Lau Lagoon”, said Niniu.
Monday, September 21, 2009