Tuesday, March 18, 2008

SI Red Cross recruited two new staff

Solomon Islands Red Cross (SIRC) has taken in Aloyius Erobaea and Mrs. Masia Vaieke after their interviews a week before.

Mr. Erobaea is a former active SIRC volunteer for Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change. He was employed by a local Insurance firm before joining the SI Red Cross team last week as Business Development & Fundraising officer. He will concentrate on how to raise funds to support the operational costs of the SIRC. Mr. Erobaea is expected to work with the local Red Cross Clothing shop and soon the organization's cafeteria as part of his initiative to get money.
Mrs. Vaieke also started her work as the Red Cross Health Promotion officer on Moday 10th March 2008. With her backgorund as a community health promoter, Vaieke is expected by her employer to travel to Weathercoast (Guadalcanal) and Maluu (North Malaita) to do her health awareness to the surrounding communities about community hygiene and how to reduce the risk of catching malaria.
According to Solomon Islands Red Cross policy those two new staff will under go three (3) months probation. If satisfactory after their probation period then they will become full time staff who will sign twelve months contract with the SIRC.
Solomon Islands Red Cross welcomes Erobaea and Vaieke to join its team.