Monday, February 11, 2008

Cooperation head completed visit to SIRC

Mr. Michael Oeke (head of Regional Cooperative mission of Red Cross) from Suva office went to Honiara for an International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) coperative support towards the Dissemination of the International Humanitarian Law, Safer Access to affected people in armed conflicts, and the promotion of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement's Fundamental Principles in the Solomon Islands.

According to this cooperative agreement objectives there are certain things expected to achieve at the end of 2008. These include, one, the internal target groups (governance, management, staff, and volunteers) should be strengthenened their corporate identity as well as the integrity of the organization through their understanding of the humanitarian values. Two, to regularly spread the messages about the humanitarian values and principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (through their generous actions and behavior)amongst the vulnerable groups which can contribute to the SI Red Cross acceptance at the community level. And thirdly, special priority targeted groups like Security forces, public authorities and youths are needed to be informed on the International Humanitarian Law to increase the national Red Cross' acceptance and credibility in conflict and social unrest situations.
According to Niniu Oligao, the SIRC Dissemination officer, the ICRC supports his programmes communication mechanisms like Quarterly Newsletter, Red Cross radio programmes, Poster Calendar, and soon TV advertisments to Honiara audiences.
Also his trainings and community awareness tours are supported under this cooperative agreement which Michael has come to Honiara for to be signed by the local Red Cross Secretary General.