Tuesday, November 13, 2007

SIRC First Aid offers Essential First Aid training

By Niniu Oligao

Solomon Islands Red Cross started an essential First Aid (FA) training to business houses, organizations, governmental agencies and its new volunteers at the humanitarian organization’s conference room this morning.

According to Steven Harry, a First Aid Instructor of SI Red Cross said the aims of the two days training are to preserve life of casualty before medical assistance, to prevent worsening, and promoting recovery of casualty. First day of the training is dedicated to the discussion on what the Red Cross is, First Aid as a first help to casualty(ies) in the absence of medical practitioner(s); which it will cover Bleeding management, shock, handling casualty to avoid further injuries, and assurance given to casualty that he or she will be recovering from injury.

He said the participants will receive both theory and practical trainings during the two days.

And different topics will be facilitated by some of the Red Cross FA instructors from the organization’s headquarters.

The commercial FA trainings are offered as part of the First Aid programme’s fundraising to sustain it in promoting basic essential skills to handle emergencies when they are arise in our workplaces and homes.